Sodium lactate powder(96%)

Formula: CH3CHOHCOONa Mol. Wt:112.06 g/mol

Description: Sodium lactate powder is is the solid sodium salt of natural L- Lactic acid, It is produced by fermentation of a sugar source, and then, by neutralizing the resulting lactic acid to create a compound having the formula NaC₃H₅O₃

Application: Food&beverage;


Package and storage:25kg compound bags. Store in cool, dry and ventilated warehouse. Preserve in tight containers.


Form White powder

Assay (%w/w) 96.0min

Silicon dioxide content (%w/w) 2.0 max

Water content (%w/w) 2.0 max

pH 6..0-8.0

Heavy metals total (ppm) 10 max

Lead(ppm) 2 max

Arsenic (ppm) 2 max

Mercury(ppm) 1 max

Residual sugar Pass test

Citric, oxalic, phosphoric, tartaric acid Pass test


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